Return to the stove!
This article is from the HungarianCreation Magazin 2020 firemedia.hu Support us Return to the stove! According to some traditions, we should begin the waltz from a corner. In the past stoves used to be placed in the corner of a room, so when people were practicing the...
Accept the challenge!
This article is from the HungarianCreation Magazin 2020 firemedia.hu Support us Accept the challenge! Or what do I do with creation and evolution? For some, evolution is considered as a matter of course, and they are surprised that certain researchers, everyday people...
The test of time
This article is from the HungarianCreation Magazin 2020 firemedia.hu Support us The test of time Beautiful packaging, sparkling cleanliness, brand new smell… Enticing. But until we actually use a product, how can we know how long it’s going to last? The...
What is the Creation Project?
This article is from the HungarianCreation Magazin 2020 firemedia.hu Support us ’For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,even His eternal power and Godhead…’ Romans 1:20 What is the...