This article is from the Hungarian
Creation Magazin 2020
The test of time

Beautiful packaging, sparkling cleanliness, brand new smell… Enticing. But until we actually use a product, how can we know how long it’s going to last? The same applies to life’s more serious matters. Is there anything at all in life that’s really valuable, original and long-lasting? Something that can withstand the test of time? Is there a corner stone of human civilization that stands stably from the beginning of time and is still current in this ever-changing world?
The focal point of this topic is the question of Genesis and the existence of God. World views clash over this subject and many different kinds of ideologies exist side by side. Many regard evolution as fact, the Bible as myth and creationism as modern ideology. The theory, hallmarked by Darwin, is widely accepted, nearly basic. Meanwhile the teachings in the name of Jesus are pushed aside unnoticed and even when it gets advertised, the mainstream media portrays it as ‘ridiculous’ or ‘unscientific’. Some forums cross the line of good taste and common sense. No wonder society is confused.
Many regard evolution as fact, the Bible as myth and creationism as modern ideology
But what’s at stake when we talk about the creation/evolution subject – a factor from the past? Does it have an impact on our everyday life? Could it influence our future? And if so, in what way? Isn’t this just a question of biological science? Why is it referred to as the corner stone of globalization? Do everyday people have a mission in this matter? And is it possible to analyse and evaluate the two different point of views with the same method? Where does faith and science fit? Can we consider the Bible as the source of authentic historical or even natural science? And if there’s any truth to it, does it make our personal faith stronger in salvation or makes it altogether pointless?
The Hungarian Creation Magazine addresses these and similar questions, using lots of factual information in an intriguing and spectacular way, suitable for all age groups. It informs, surprises, inspires and motivates you to think – leaving you with the freedom of choice. For every human being got free will but only time can tell if we chose well. And this question reaches beyond death.
It’s useful reading material for curious people and for those who believe in God’s creation and therefore would like to flip through the pages of a science magazine that portrays and presents nature’s wonders from the biblical standpoint. So, Dear Reader I encourage you to turn the pages with open heart and mind, and accept the challenge of reflecting on your faith and conviction.
For every human being got free will but only time can tell if we chose well
The Creation Ministries International is an international organization that researches creation itself and looking to popularize it. The original Creation, which is the source of our edition, is published in English and is a well-known all over the world, a prestigious natural science magazine with a large audience and has been translated into many other languages.
The articles of the Hungarian edition is trying to make up for a long lasting shortage. Obviously one magazine is not enough to cover everything but in the following issues we will present new topics and different genres, interviews with contemporary researchers and will sample from the treasures of genealogy, geology, biology, medicine, theology, social science, astronomy, physics, archaeology and history. We are continuously working on building our online presence.
FireMEDIA wants to fire you up, so you can make a difference in the world!
Return to the stove (see article HERE), get to know the message of the Bible more and apply it correctly in everday’s practice! This is your identity. This is the token of the future of Hungary and Europe. It is authentic, it stands the test of time and it is very relevant even in the 21st century.
Translated by Barbara Sujánszky
Proofread by Lilla Király
This article is from the Hungarian
Creation Magazin 2020